The Firm
Mandatory Education and Counseling Programs
As a condition of probation in any Missouri DWI or BAC case, the judge is required to order the driver to complete the Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (SATOP). The driver is also required under state law to complete the program as a condition of the return or issuance of a driver’s license after an administrative DWI suspension or chemical revocation, or a point suspension or revocation resulting from an alcohol- related traffic conviction. The program now consists of four levels. The first level is the offender education class or program (OEP) which is generally reserved for first time offenders whose BAC reading was .17 or less. The second level is the Weekend
Intervention Program (WIP) which is for persons with drinking problems, one prior offense, or whose BAC readings are in excess of .17. The third level is the Clinical Intervention Program (CIP) which is for persons with serious drinking problems, two prior offenses, or with very high BAC readings. Finally, the fourth level is CIP Plus, which includes additional counseling and treatment requirements above and beyond the normal CIP program. For more information on SATOP, go to the website for Eastern Missouri Alternative Sentencing Services (“EMASS”).